Use analytics to deliver targeted content.
Creating an engaging website is the first step to building an effective digital media strategy. After all, what use is an excellent website if no one can find it (or find what they need once they arrive)?
I am certified in G4 Google Analytics and have successfully bridged the change from Universal to G4 analytics for eight websites.
use website traffic data to make informed decisions about content.
I have presented to national groups about Using a Web-Centric Digital Media Strategy (PDF) at the National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP) conference and to Arkansas Extension employees on the benefits of how an accessible site is also a Google-friendly site (PowerPoint file).
Having become Google Analytics Certified, I knew how complex some analytics programs could be. This is why I spearheaded the effort to purchase user-friendly software for our website editors to track visitor behavior better. I have experience training content owners in both Siteimprove and Monsido analytics platforms. Visitor tracking software such as these can tell you what content is worth keeping, worth editing, and worth deleting.
People use keyword searches to find what they want.
I have also created training materials on utilizing keyword research and search engine optimization (SEO) to help get web pages found in Google (PDF) and created handouts (PDF) to teach colleagues how to write effective SEO tactics to increase their reach to wider audiences.
“The price of light is less than the cost of darkness.”